Friday, May 24, 2013

Three Things Thursday - A bit late...

Sorry for the late posting, my photos wouldn't attach last night, so you get a Three Things Thursday on Friday! :) 

1.  First and most exciting - my 6 year old daughter ran her first official 5k on Sunday.  She did fantastic and took first place in her age group.  And, she looked fantastic in the process (thank you sparkle skirts!).   As far as a "race recap" - it was brutally hot given the cool temps we have been having this year. Bonus, it was on a trail I use daily and there was a mile of nice shade.  Admittedly, if I hadn't been running with her I don't know that she would have done nearly as well.  She lacks internal motivation at right now, but she was beaming when she found out she won - so hopefully with time and practice she will learn to push herself.  I don't care if she is never competitive, but I want to feel like she's giving it her all!
Just starting out... hate running on grass!

She doesn't look very happy here!

A medal and an award - MUCH happier now!

2.  I completed the Flying Pig Half on May 5.  While training started out well, things started to peter out at the end.  I knew going into it that it wouldn't be a PR - I have heard about the brutal hills compared to our area and I knew I hadn't trained perfectly.  Race day was pretty warm and I started out too fast, all this meant the wheels fell off towards the end.  But, I finished and that is a success - I am working on allowing myself to be happy with slower finish times as I feel that is crucial to successfully training for the Dopey Challenge and remaining injury free.  I tried to focus on the environment, spectators, etc.  (As a side note:  my daughter ran the kids marathon as well)  Be on the lookout for another post later with more race photos and such!
Crossing the finish line of the 26th mile kids race
Funny Photo-bomb!

3.  Its no secret I have gained some weight back.  During marathon training I slowly put on between 5-10 pounds.  Then, when the marathon was over I was burnt out and mentally over running.  I gained a huge amount of weight in the month after the marathon - 15 pounds.  While I blame some of this on holiday/Christmas/family visiting, it was NOT okay.  I took a lot of time off and ate whatever I wanted.   I've added another 5-10 pounds since January.  I was spiraling out of control.  I feel like I am finally starting to get control again.  I have lost 5 or so pounds in the last week or two.  I have my good days and bad days.  But, at the end of the day I have to remember how uncomfortable I am in my skin now versus how happy I was before.  I will win this war!

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