Sorry its been a while since I posted - I have been sick, had two sick kiddos, been getting ready for my son's second birthday party as well as nursing a sore knee. I will probably post more about the party on Monday - I know its not running related, but its been fun to put together.
I spent most of Thursday and Friday sitting on my butt icing/elevating my knee and taking ibuprofen. Luckily, the knee held out for my run this morning. My stomach on the other hand - not so much. Back to the drawing board. I talked through things with my mom and may have identified some poor choices I made yesterday in diet so I am hoping that it will be better next time.
I did 11 miles today, it wasn't pretty. I had to stop at the bathroom twice - not fun. I did manage to run a bit of a new route today. I ran around some neighborhood trails by the Y and then on a main road here in Ft Wayne plus Pufferbelly and the Y trail. I am counting it as a success because I got out there and did the mileage. I ran 95% of it or more. I had to take a few VERY short walk breaks because of my stomach, but it happens. And as mentioned I had to stop at the bathroom twice which is what frustrates me the most. I almost wish it had been my knee that caused me the problems. I mean, really... if my knee hurts I can walk, but what do I do when my stomach starts revolting? I can't produce a bathroom out of thin air. :-/
As far as run analysis, I don't have much else because I am too busy running around getting stuff done for tomorrow's party. I will note that I had my usual propel and water combo to stay hydrated and I used a new gel today: Chocolate #9 at about 3.7 miles and 7.5 miles. Loved the performance, but of course I need to make sure that isn't what caused my tummy troubles before I give it two thumbs up. However, here are my splits as well as the elevation/pace chart from today's run.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend - expect a post Sunday or early in the week about the birthday party and then later this week I am going to post about some potential future races. Fun stuff.
Woo hoo - 11 miler DONE!!!!! Good, bad, or ugly - DONE is DONE!!!! Yay!!!! It looks like your pacing was good and the fact your ran almost every step is really fantastic!!! You're doing so well with running - I'm so impressed!!!!! 10 miler next week will feel EASY (ha!). Looking forward to next Saturday!